Monday, August 22, 2011

218 square feet of pure "duckiness"

It has been eight long months since we filled out the room and board application for the University of Oregon, and we're pleased to say WE FINALLY GOT IT. Wohoo!!!  No more drooling over the IKEA catalog, creepin the pages of Bed Bath and Beyond for deals on linens and most importantly no more running out to the mail box once the delivery women has turned on to the other street.  Now, you may be thinking who on earth does any of this? Well, getting your room assignment is one of the many important stepping stones of college.  For us, this will be our home for about 9 months.  It’s quite nerve-racking to take in because for 18 years we have lived under the roof of our parents, have had home cooked meals by our lovely mothers (note, to our dad’s we do appreciate when you cook us meals, even if you ruin a favorite food such as Mac & Cheese.) as we move forward from our comfy homes to our 218 square foot dorm room, we look forward to the change that awaits us, including noisy neighbors, thin walls, cramped space, and two messy girls (sorry moms, you've tried to teach us  cleanliness, but sadly we haven't absorbed anything!!) WOOHOOOO


  1. Hope you two will appreciate us moms!

  2. I'm already smelling that smell, the smell that smells smelly, the smell that smells like smelly dorm rooms . . .or swampy duck ponds . . .please girls, at least throw away your garbage and wash your towels in regular intervals!
